
The field of risk management is ever changing and growing quickly. The following couple of sections outline some of the latest additions to the field of risk management - extreme value theory (EVT) and newer VaR calculations.

Extreme Value Theory

There are some complications to the expected shortfall calculation. First, ES estimates tend to be less stable than the VaR for the same confidence level due to sample size limitations. ES requires a large number of observations to generate a reliable estimate. Due to this, ES is also more sensitive to estimation errors than VaR because is substantially depends on the accuracy of the tail model used in the distribution.

We try so hard to estimate the full distribution. However, our only care is the tail of the distribution so we will turn our attention on just estimating the tail. This is the value of extreme value theory (EVT). EVT provides the theoretical foundation for building statistical models describing extreme events. This is used in many fields such as finance, structual engineering, traffic prediction, weather prediction, and geological prediction.

EVT provides the distribution for the following two things:

  • Block Maxima (Minima) - the maximum (or minimum) the variable takes in successive periods.

  • Exceedances - the values that exceed a certain threshold.

For VaR and ES calculations we will focus on the exceedances piece of EVT. The approach of exceedances tries to understand the distribution of values that exceed a certain threshold. Instead of isolating the tail of an overall distribution (limiting the values) we are trying to build a distribution for the tail events themselves.

One of the popular distributions for this is the generalized Pareto. This distribution is named after Italian engineer and economist Vilfredo Pareto. It came into popularity with the “Pareto Principle” which is more commonly known as the “80-20” Rule. Pareto noted in 1896 that 80% of the land of Italy was owned by 20% of the population. Richard Koch authored the book The 80/20 Principle to illustrate some common applications. The plot below shows some example Pareto distributions:

Pareto Distribution Example

This can be applied to value at risk and expected shortfall to provide more accurate estimates of VaR and ES, but the math is very complicated. We need to use maximum likelihood estimation to find which generalized Pareto distribution fits our data the best - which parameters \(\xi\) and \(\beta\) are optimal to maximize:

\[ f(v) = \sum_{i=1}^{n_u} \log(\frac{1}{\beta} \times (1 + \frac{\xi (v_i - u)}{\beta})^{\frac{-1}{\xi -1}}) \]

The calculation for VaR from the Pareto distribution is:

\[ VaR = u + \frac{\beta}{\xi}([\frac{n}{n_u}(1-q)]^{-\xi}) \]

The calculation of ES from the Pareto distribution is:

\[ ES = \frac{VaR + \beta - \xi u}{1- \xi} \]

Let’s walk through the approach for our two position portfolio. If we have $200,000 invested in Microsoft and $100,000 invested in Apple, we can use the 500 observations for each stocks’ returns to estimate the generalized Pareto distribution parameters. Assume a normal distribution for each of these stocks returns with their historical mean and standard deviation. From there we can just estimate the VaR and ES from the above equations.

Let’s see how to this in each of our softwares!

These values align with the historical simulation approach that had a much riskier value for VaR and ES compared to the Delta-Normal approach.

VaR Extensions

The last section just briefly touches on some of the latest variations and adaptions of the value at risk metric. There are many additions to VaR calculations:

  • Delta-Gamma VaR

  • Delta-Gamma Monte Carlo Simulation

  • Marginal VaR

  • Incremental VaR

  • Component VaR

Let’s discuss each briefly in concept.